When Dear Myrtle introduced this I thought she was talking
just to me. However, I have come to realize that many of us have this same
problem. See her blog at http://blog.dearmyrtle.com/p/finally-get-organized.html
for more information.
Over the years I have developed better habits, however I
still have that large stack of papers under my desk that I have been slowly
(very slowly) going through. Many years ago, I went from a Binder file system
to a folder file system. In my new folder file system I decided that nothing
was going into that folder unless I entered it into my Genealogy Software program
and created a source citation to match. I was really bad at sourcing where I
found information. Later I decided that I needed to scan some of these
documents (vital record copies and such) and I created an electronic file
system too. Many of the items that I find via the internet, I have created an
electronic copy of it and also file in on my computer.
My electronic file system and my folder file system don’t
match. My Folder file system is by couple while my electronic file system is by
record type. For me this works, because I have already accepted that my brain works
different than most people.
I am hoping by joining the Finally Get Organized group that
I will make time each week to address my disorganized mess of papers. I tried
doing this myself several years back, and I was really good for about a couple
of months, however, I get easily side tracked and it fell by the wayside.
My goals are to finally get rid of the pile of papers under
my desk. To make sure that all my electronic file copies are recorded and file
in the same manner. I have found that my naming conventions have changed over
the years and I need to make sure I develop a standard and keep to it. Plus I
need to make sure that my Genealogy Software is also organized and that my
place names are standardized, that my source citations are standardized.
Finally, I would love to have every source citation tied to a media record. In
the beginning, I wasn’t doing that, I could easily find my image in my
electronic file system but I have recently seen the advantages of having it
tied directly inside my genealogy software program.
Dear Myrtle has already assigned some homework. So I can say
my computer desk is clear and ready. We won’t talk about the mess under the
desk. However, my holiday decorations are still up until at least the 1st
of the year. So I won’t be resting too much on the 1st and 2nd,
since these are the days I start taking everything down. With all this said, I
look very much to Finally Get Organized! 2016 Weekly Checklists. Bring it On!
Good Post ...