Monday, February 28, 2022

Creating a Tree for RootsTech Relatives

I have about 1,102 relatives through my RootsTech Relatives page. When it was under 300, I decided to start a tree of my relatives. I went to the end of my list, because people with much more than me, were reporting that you only see the first 300, so I wanted some of the more distanced branches. Currently, my closest match is a 4th cousin and my farthest is a 8th cousin.

In my tree, I want to keep it simple and quick. Thus I started a Family Tree Maker tree,  I created a custom fact, FSID that I will manually input, I customized the input screen and placed the new field directly beneath the name.  I only input their name, FSID, birth and death year. I can find more about them by clicking on their name, however, this is a simple and quick tree, that I can reference later and with the FSID, I will be able to find them again, unless between now and when I research someone has merged this ID with another. Then I have the birth and death date, the child and parent info, to find the link again. I am not too worried about not finding this “hint” again.

I could entered them as they appear in my list or I can entered them based on a common ancestor.

Thus to record my new relative, I clicked the down arrow on the far right of my match, to bring up the relationship link. I click on that link to bring up our relationship. Thus I started my new tree with me, my father, and paternal grandmother up my common ancestor. Then back down to my match. For the unknown Deceased and Living, I kept the male surname of Provot, thus it became Deceased Provot and Living Provot, both with unknown gender. Finally with my match, I keyed in their actual user name, a lot of times, it is a real name, as in this case and their gender is known as female. However, I am unsure if this is a maiden or married name at this time. I type in the word “Match” into the FSID field. Then I created a special filter for all those who are my matches and I color coded them Green. This way I can quickly just view how many matches I have inputted and when in normal view I can see them by their color code.

If the last know person in my relative’s line was a female, I will click on their name to bring up the FamilySearch page for this individual. I will see who they married and input the Deceased and/or Living and then their spouses last name. However, I have run across multiple marriages and in those cases, I leave it just Deceased or just Living. These are just hints and holding places for when I am ready to research this line in the future, after RootsTech and after this feature is no longer enable. My goal is to input as many relatives as I can, as long as the feature is turned on.

I have found some problems in these lineages. For example, my 3rd great grandmother was married to the wrong man. Even though, my 2nd great mother was showing up as her child, her siblings were not showing up under this bogus marriage.  This family unit was originally created by FamilySearch. Many errors I find are created by FamilySearch who are using records found and most likely are not relatives who know the family or have done extensive research on the family. I did fix the problem, and this cleared the match out of my list.

Another problem I found are lines going through step parents. My mother was raised by her step-father and in fact didn’t know until she was 18 that this man wasn’t her biological father. Even though my tree shows who her biological father is, her step-father is married to her mother and also shows on her tree. She has two half-sisters and I want to keep that family tie. RootsTech Relatives have many branches to my step-grandfather’s ancestors. I was able to detach my mother from her step-father who legally adopted her, so that I would not see these matches. I also found some remote relatives who descend through these various step parent relationships and for these I have skipped. It can get complicated trying to fix these relationships. They show up because they are listed a child of the step-parent along with their biological parent. I am not against step relationships, however with the limit of 300 relatives, I want to display those who are biologically my relatives first. I want to use this file to help me sort through my DNA matches.

I have found children born after their mother’s death and some born 9 months after their father’s death. I would not easily have seen these, if I didn’t actually key them into my software. I have kept those for now, only because the date I am seeing might not actually be a death date but rather a date after an event, such as death: after 1900, however it will just show 1900 on the relationship screen.

Overall, with all the con’s, I think the pro’s outweigh them, and I will continue inputting all this information, because any “hint” is better than no hint at all. I have entered 221 relative lines thus far, and look forward to developing a research plan on how to handle this tree once RootsTech is over.

Good luck in your research.

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