Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Year Ahead – June 25

In the January/February 2024 issue of Family Tree Magazine, they have introduced The Year Ahead, 366 genealogy tips will make 2024 your best research year yet by Lisa A Alzo. Lisa mapped out a day-by-day research plan.

June 25 – Share an ancestral photo to your favorite social media site.

I use Facebook and X (formerly known as twitter) as my two main social media sites. I have shared Ancestral Photos and stories on both sites. Remember, that anything you share on the internet can be copied and shared to additional locations without you realizing it. Make sure to look at yesterday's blog post about adding Metadata to your photos, do this before sharing to any social media sites, this will help let other's know this is your photo. If you have any personal information on the metadata, please review and remove if you don't want the whole world to see.

Remember to have fun and Just do Genealogy!

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