Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Year Ahead – June 5

 In the January/February 2024 issue of Family Tree Magazine, they have introduced The Year Ahead, 366 genealogy tips will make 2024 your best research year yet by Lisa A Alzo. Lisa mapped out a day-by-day research plan.

June 5 – The first of three US WWI draft registrations took place on this date in 1917. Search for registration cards at

My grandfather’s date of birth on his WWI draft registration card is listed as 1899. His obituary, death certificate and gravestone all have 1900. Why? Because he was very caging about his birth date. How do I know if 1899 or 1900 is correct. Well, he appears in the 1900 US Census as a one-year-old, thus I am leaning towards 1899 being correct. His WWII draft registration card also listed his year of birth as 1899.

People didn’t have to serve to have a draft registration card, they were just signing up for the draft. My grandfather did not serve. Take this time to look up all the young men who were born between 1872 and 1900 in the draft registrations. You may want to look at people in your file who might have been born as early as 1870 and as late as 1905, they may have lied about their age, if they wanted to serve.

Remember to have fun and Just do Genealogy!

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