Friday, June 28, 2024

The Year Ahead – June 28

In the January/February 2024 issue of Family Tree Magazine, they have introduced The Year Ahead, 366 genealogy tips will make 2024 your best research year yet by Lisa A Alzo. Lisa mapped out a day-by-day research plan.

June 28 – The assassination of Austria’s Franz Ferdinand on this day in 1914 triggered World War I. View an interactive timeline at

I only recently learned about the Christmas Truce on December 25, 1914. It was during an episode of Doctor Who? The sound of Christmas carols across No Man’s Land encourages troops from both sides to exchange greetings. The truce is spontaneous and was experienced by hundreds, perhaps thousands, of soldiers.

On April 6, 1917, the United States declares war on Germany. Have you checked the World War I draft registrations for the males in your family. Many give their birth date and place, along with someone who knows them, which usually is their next of kin. Many times, this was their mother or father.

Remember to have fun and Just do Genealogy!

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