Monday, July 15, 2024

The Year Ahead – July 15

In the January/February 2024 issue of Family Tree Magazine, they have introduced The Year Ahead, 366 genealogy tips will make 2024 your best research year yet by Lisa A Alzo. Lisa mapped out a day-by-day research plan.

July 15– Your genealogy break was nice. Now get back to research by tackling a brick-wall ancestor with fresh eyes.

We all have those elusive ancestors who just don’t want to be found. This is about the only time I start looking at other people’s trees. Do distant cousins have any information about those ancestors? Can I verify their sources and do I come to the same conclusion? What my DNA matches? Do I have any that seem to descend from that elusive ancestor through a sibling of my ancestor? 

Create a timeline to see where your ancestor lived and research what kind of records might be available for the location and time.

Remember to have fun and Just do Genealogy!

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