Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Year Ahead – July 9

In the January/February 2024 issue of Family Tree Magazine, they have introduced The Year Ahead, 366 genealogy tips will make 2024 your best research year yet by Lisa A Alzo. Lisa mapped out a day-by-day research plan.

July 9 – Consider uploading your DNA test results to another service or website. This will open you to new pools of possible matches.

I uploaded my AncestryDNA test for free to MyHeritage, FTDNA and LivingDNA. I then took the 23andMe test, so I have all the major testing sites covered. You can also upload your test to the free site of GedMatch. Go to the sites to find instructions on how to download and upload your results.

Even though some of my DNA matches can be found on multiple sites, I do have unique matches to certain sites. Plus, each site has their own unique DNA tools that you might find helpful.

Remember to have fun and Just do Genealogy!

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